Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A New Year About to Commence - 2011

It is always good to check your baggage - to see if you are dragging something along that is dragging you down. It is a good time to let go of the failures of 2010 - give them over to God and vow to try better and stop kicking yourself.
This is a time to monitor how well we listen, how well we love and how much we could learn in the new year. We have so much information all around us that can be accessed for little or no cost.
It is also a time to re-evaluate current use of time. For example if we are constantly listening to or watching a program on radio or TV - maybe it is time to cut back on the time used for that program (or type of program) and find a new interest to broaden our horizons.
How much do you laugh? God did create laughter and we need to find ourselves laughing in the New Year. I am told it is good for us physically as well as emotionally.
Let the Word of God invade in your life this year -even if it takes weeks for one passage to filter its way through you.

Have a productive, blessed year!