Friday, July 20, 2007

It Looked Good but Destroyed Most of His Family

A Summary of the July 15 morning Message:
How many times do we make decisions for our families based on what seems good for them?

Lot chose what looked good but it almost destroyed all of his family. In Genesis 13 we discover Lot's poor choice.
Lot was Abraham's nephew and had followed him when God called him to leave home. Over the years they had both become wealthy "in livestock and in silver and gold"( Genesis 13:2b).

As a result the herdsmen began to quarrel. Abraham did not want any fighting between himself and his good nephew so he recommended a generous way to settle the problem. He gave Lot the 1st choice to land - dry hill country or a lush green valley.
Sounds like a no brainer to the modern mind - but comfort can be deceiving.

In the green valley was Sodom and Gomorrah - the sin cities of his day.
He "pitched his tents NEAR Sodom" but later ended up IN Sodom.

Just how did that happen?

Like folks today who come near the things of God but end up living in sin.
In the end this righteous man had little or no influence. In the valley he sought a life of comfort for his family and lost them. His values were seriously compromised in the process.

Abraham on the other had moved to the hill country and "built an altar to the Lord". Notice he put God in the middle of his life.
It made all the difference then and still does.

How many people do you know that have enough of God to make them miserable because they camp out near Sodom and never seem to get around to going all out for God. It is like they want God but they want to live like this world and it's values.

Abraham had a freedom from the things of this world. He made his share of spiritual mistakes but his life continued down the path toward Godliness.

How about you? What draws your attention the most -- the near and the here or the long distance journey with God?

Refuse to follow Lot near the sin of this world and lose your family --- follow Abraham --build an altar to God - stay as close to God as you can and a far from the world as possiblle.