Friday, June 15, 2007

June 25 -29
6:30 - 8 pm

We are going have a great time studying some of the heros of the th Bible.
Tyla always puts together a well organizzed VBS event. Much learning and fun will take place that week!
More Info - Tyla Merta - Director
Church Office -588-3052

A New Path

Life is filled with opportunity.

Romans 14 is my challenge. It deals with living a life that is free from bondage of other's tradition yet never forgetting our responsibility to other's spiritual journey.
That chapter also places final authority between ourselves and God.

What a challenge!

At the church I belive we are experiencing a great summer. Help has arrived in the office(Lisa and Ricky Marx, and Molly) . We are facing VBS, Faith and Freedom and the Zone Youth Retreat. All have to be advertized(signs, letters,visits and phone calls).