Saturday, November 14, 2009

Learning Again Better Use of Time

Recently on a Missions trip to Peru, I begin to re access my use of time in relation to my normal consumption of news , talk radio, online and television. Now over three months later I have come to the point of filtering priority news events from news in process or just opinion of news in process. I have felt from the beginning of this journey that God was allowing me to stay informed( although for the first 30 days back from Peru I had a total break from any news cast). I learned for the next month to access mostly headlines around the world (from BBC a majority of the time ) in about 10 to 12 minutes at the end of the day. The end of the day was important since it would keep me from temptation to look throughout the day.
Now I seem to not care about news like I used to but am allowing around 30 minutes od news time throughout the day in any form.
This has led me to re access other areas of my life and it it great to have God at work.
It is like fasting since I have replaced news time with more reading.
Part of my reading is in Oswald Chambers book entitled , Spiritual Leadership. Leadership is determined in how a man uses his/her time. "The character and career of a young person are determined largely by how and with whom he spends his spare time". (p85)

It is great to know God continues to define and redefine our lives at every stage.