Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Healthy Mix for Christians

Think of this:
How best can the church give to it's members a positve spiritual experience? In other words ----what does each Christian need in the journey?
I think I believe(at this time) the following:
- worship and praise by the Body of Christ -the vertical strengthening
- education of the Body of Christ
-fellowship - the horizonal strengthening

This is a healthy mix and the church of our day - even the small church needs to adjust

Too often we have seen churches go off in the direction of one or two of the above three -emphsizing Sunday School or worship or small group but all are needed.

Careful thought and planning must go into this since in the smaller congregation people resources are limited.

Acts 2 :42 - 47 gives us the Early Church pattern. They.....
V. 42a ... "devoted themseves to the apostles' teaching" -(education)
V. 42b..." and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread" ... (fellowship - horizonal)
V. 42c... "and to prayer"...
V. 47 Paraphrased - they praised God - ( worship)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Biblical Test of truth tellers

Do you know one of the Biblical test that defines real believers from false teachers.
Look at 1 John 4:1 - 6 - it gives us the test -- If someone is trying to tell you about Godly matters - TYhe question you need to ask is " Do you believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh--in short HE WAS FULLY GOD AND FULLY MAN. Many do not yet talk about Jesus as if they do. Many deny His deity , others see Him as a great moral teacher. As Christians we must place Him as God / man and keep 1 John 4: 1-6 in mind.