Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A New Year About to Commence - 2011

It is always good to check your baggage - to see if you are dragging something along that is dragging you down. It is a good time to let go of the failures of 2010 - give them over to God and vow to try better and stop kicking yourself.
This is a time to monitor how well we listen, how well we love and how much we could learn in the new year. We have so much information all around us that can be accessed for little or no cost.
It is also a time to re-evaluate current use of time. For example if we are constantly listening to or watching a program on radio or TV - maybe it is time to cut back on the time used for that program (or type of program) and find a new interest to broaden our horizons.
How much do you laugh? God did create laughter and we need to find ourselves laughing in the New Year. I am told it is good for us physically as well as emotionally.
Let the Word of God invade in your life this year -even if it takes weeks for one passage to filter its way through you.

Have a productive, blessed year!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

God to Kenton-"It's Taken Care Of! -Now Can You Trust Me For That?"

I was having one of those days where the signs of epilepsy had showed themselves and I had wisely gone back to bed.
The Situation: Tim had a debate in a Political Science class at Olivet which I had helped him research for and had gone to bed at 12:30am after sending him my last research - and woke up at 6:30am worried(yes, the dreaded non- Christian "w" word) and researched more, sent more then the feelings of trouble showed and I went to bed after calling Cheryl and telling her I would not be able to be at the hospital for Ron's heart Cath at 11:00am. (May I add I just wrote a truly Pauline sentence!- ah lest I digress).
Occasionally I would awaken and pray for Tim and Ron- At one of those times it was as if God said,"It's taken care of - the debate and the operation--Now can you trust me for that?
For me it was a new twist to trust - I suddenly felt like a heathen who keep repeating the same prayer and I was supposed to listen and trust for that prayer and be thankful for a God Who answers prayers.
For me , a person who tells people to Trust God on a regular basis was being taught a new dimension in the wonders of walking with God!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Empty Tomb + Appearance = Many Believers

Today we celebrate - HE IS RISEN! A new perspective came to me as I studied the Emmaus incident recorded in Luke. The two disciples were "downcast" and yet had heard about the empty tomb that very day! It was only when Jesus broke bread, blessed it and disappeared instantly were there eyes opened and they went from downcast to excited. For them it was knowing about the Empty tomb+ the Appearance(or maybe better said the disappearance) that caused them to truly start to see Who He was and what He really wanted from us.

It is a very interesting thought that some of us need a show of God's power to believe while others can reach forth in faith and believe in the Empty Tomb and go on to serve. Yet some also need that Appearance after Salvation to verify His work and convince us of His greater power for us and others

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring 2010

Spring has arrived and the rain is hitting the office window.

Now we face a new array of activities not performed for several months such as mowing and so on. Yesterday I planted some grass in the thin areas of our front yard. By morning some birds had found the seeds and we can only hope some seeds will ultimately survive.

Life is much like the planting. Many obstacles come our way to try and stop or slow us down but it is the observant individual that finds God's path and stays on it.

As the grass grows we can thank God for life and enjoy His majesty!