Monday, December 31, 2007

Are You Sure You Want to Carry 2007 into 2008?

Are you holding on to resentments? If so are they worth taking with you into the New Year?
It is worth praying about- worth considering as we cross into the New Year.
May God Bless You this year!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Everyone is Born With a Hole in Their Heart

This morning I heard this on radio and want to share the thoughts that went with it because I have been thinking about related matters.

The man on the radio said doctors had told him all of us have a hole in our heart when born. A blood vessel enters the heart from the mother to pump blood prior to birth but soon after birth it closes. Some folks have to have surgery to close that opening if it does not properly seal.

Then he stated we are all born with a spiritual hole in our heart.
- We spend our lives trying to fill the spiritual hole:
- by relationships
- entertainment
- money
- things
- sex
- drugs

Until the day comes we accept the notion it can never be filled.

As Christians we know the hole to our heart is only filled by surrender to Jesus Christ!

This relates to a pattern of thought I have been dealing with in regard to how much are we having to fill our lives with entertainment. With all the sources of being entertained it is becoming a bit frightening - even among Christians.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving of an Abundant Lack of Fear

They say in Bagdad people are doing things that show signs of a return to normalcy. The New York Times published photos this week of an outdoor wedding. It among other signs was one less indication of fear being as high as before.

We have so much ---but one great aspect of our lives is the relative lack of fear. For that we must be truly thankful.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Waiting Patiently?

Patience is one of the greatest spiritual challenges that I face. Consider the benefits:
1st - Relationships will go smoother
2nd - Stress will be decreased
3rd - A new perspective on what is really important will surface
4th - God will be honored through increase in trust
Psalm 40 states, " I waited patiently for the Lord;"
That is a trait we should all acquire in this lifetime!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

What Is In Your Hand?

What talent or ability has God given you?
What experiences have you had to this point in life- good or bad?

It all adds up to how God may use you now.

.....but I have to be aware of where I have been ,
what I have done and
the abilities I have.......

God needs to use you--don't remain idle!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our Personal Ultimate Test

We are ask to obey -- often the Pastor calls on us to lay our trials, our heartaches or struggles on the altar. But the ultimate test is giving back to God what we LOVE AND WHAT BRINGS US GREAT JOY.

How often have we held on to that which we love--protecting it , controlling it.
It could be a person, a thing or a dream - whatever the ultimate test of our trust of God is to give back to Him our greatest love and/or joy.

Abraham had this very test when called on to sacrifice his son Isaac.

What is you Isaac? Abraham gave Isaac to God - and God gave him back.

What a Test! Give Him Your Isaac Today - Experience growth.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mercy - Give Thanks For It!

Mercy is one of those areas we forget to consider in our prayers. The Bible speaks of this aspect of God quite often. Another word used for mercy in the Bible is the term "pity". None of us like to think we are being pitied but let's get real- think of God's immense power and then think of us. What a perspective in who we are and who God is.

Thank HIM for HIS mercy!

Friday, July 20, 2007

It Looked Good but Destroyed Most of His Family

A Summary of the July 15 morning Message:
How many times do we make decisions for our families based on what seems good for them?

Lot chose what looked good but it almost destroyed all of his family. In Genesis 13 we discover Lot's poor choice.
Lot was Abraham's nephew and had followed him when God called him to leave home. Over the years they had both become wealthy "in livestock and in silver and gold"( Genesis 13:2b).

As a result the herdsmen began to quarrel. Abraham did not want any fighting between himself and his good nephew so he recommended a generous way to settle the problem. He gave Lot the 1st choice to land - dry hill country or a lush green valley.
Sounds like a no brainer to the modern mind - but comfort can be deceiving.

In the green valley was Sodom and Gomorrah - the sin cities of his day.
He "pitched his tents NEAR Sodom" but later ended up IN Sodom.

Just how did that happen?

Like folks today who come near the things of God but end up living in sin.
In the end this righteous man had little or no influence. In the valley he sought a life of comfort for his family and lost them. His values were seriously compromised in the process.

Abraham on the other had moved to the hill country and "built an altar to the Lord". Notice he put God in the middle of his life.
It made all the difference then and still does.

How many people do you know that have enough of God to make them miserable because they camp out near Sodom and never seem to get around to going all out for God. It is like they want God but they want to live like this world and it's values.

Abraham had a freedom from the things of this world. He made his share of spiritual mistakes but his life continued down the path toward Godliness.

How about you? What draws your attention the most -- the near and the here or the long distance journey with God?

Refuse to follow Lot near the sin of this world and lose your family --- follow Abraham --build an altar to God - stay as close to God as you can and a far from the world as possiblle.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Are you blessed and being a blessing?

Just a short note from The message for Sunday July 15--
"He (Lot) had been blessed but was not being a blessing"
Is that true of us?

Monday, July 2, 2007

Do Not Be a Dumpster

Here are some shortened notes from the July 1 PM message on not allowing people to use you as a dumpster --that is not allowing people to dump complaints and negative, faithless talk on you.

Philippians 2:14a - " Do everything without complaining..."
Philippians 4:8 - " Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things."

- What is said to you
- Do you enjoin complaining talk?
- Do you join in?

II. Why do people come to you? They trust you, you give good advice, you agree with them(egg them on) , sympathize with them, listen

It often makes you feel --important , or used , even tired

What does God want you to do?
- Direct them to Christ
A complainer has lost his/her way spiritually-- they no longer go to God or trust in God like they used to....
- do not encourage negative talk

Biblical examples: Luke 10: 38 -42
Martha at work in the kitchen complaining about Mary at the feet of Jesus listening.
When she complains -Jesus immediately point to a SPIRITUAL Dimension.

Same in John 11: 17 - 25 - Martha complains after Lazarus death " ..."if you had been here..." Jesus again point to a SPIRITUAL Dimension.

The Point -- As people dump on us - if they claim to be Christians - we need to point them back to SPIRITUAL aspects of their complain.
Are they trusting God?
Have they prayed about it?

III. What Does God Want You To Do?
1st do NOT - enable by agreeing to all their whining and pain

Do Direct them to Christ

This is a time you can witness to them - the LIGHT OF CHRIST can shine.
It is your opportunity to point to God!

Remember : Philippians 3 12- 20 --- V 19b " Their mind is on earthly things"

You must remember and remind them: V 20a --- ...our citizenship is in heaven"

Do not let earth talk -dirt talk sound as if it is the best and most important talk-

Talk that recognizes our future home is of the most value.

"When love gets low, criticism gets high. I find myself, whenever i get out of touch with Christ, I begin to be critical of others. But when I am in living touch with Christ and therefore filled with love, then love hides a multitude of sins. I feel sorry for people rather than critical of them." --E Stanley Jones

Saturday, June 30, 2007

VBS - a success

Thank you to all who worked to make VBS success. Thursday night the children prayed the the Prayer of belief or Sinner's prayer -- what a great sound!

VBS again has injected new life into our church. It is an amazing time-children learn about God, adults have fellowship - work hard and all grow.

Thank you Tyla for your work.

To Complain or not - a Biblical directive

Josh will preach a sermon on July 1 about complaining. The Bible tells us to "do everything without complaining". What a tall order!!

We are going to go on a short journey to try and rid our lives of the habit.

Let us be honest about this endeavor.

It is a chance to grow ---


God wants us to ask direction - the question is - do we ask enough? Sure we do on the big things but what about the smaller things.

Direction in our lives is affected by God as we listen but God speaks through so many people and circumstances around us. How perceptive we remain is crucial.

My prayer is God help me listen- listen - listen
an really see.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Healthy Mix for Christians

Think of this:
How best can the church give to it's members a positve spiritual experience? In other words ----what does each Christian need in the journey?
I think I believe(at this time) the following:
- worship and praise by the Body of Christ -the vertical strengthening
- education of the Body of Christ
-fellowship - the horizonal strengthening

This is a healthy mix and the church of our day - even the small church needs to adjust

Too often we have seen churches go off in the direction of one or two of the above three -emphsizing Sunday School or worship or small group but all are needed.

Careful thought and planning must go into this since in the smaller congregation people resources are limited.

Acts 2 :42 - 47 gives us the Early Church pattern. They.....
V. 42a ... "devoted themseves to the apostles' teaching" -(education)
V. 42b..." and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread" ... (fellowship - horizonal)
V. 42c... "and to prayer"...
V. 47 Paraphrased - they praised God - ( worship)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Biblical Test of truth tellers

Do you know one of the Biblical test that defines real believers from false teachers.
Look at 1 John 4:1 - 6 - it gives us the test -- If someone is trying to tell you about Godly matters - TYhe question you need to ask is " Do you believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh--in short HE WAS FULLY GOD AND FULLY MAN. Many do not yet talk about Jesus as if they do. Many deny His deity , others see Him as a great moral teacher. As Christians we must place Him as God / man and keep 1 John 4: 1-6 in mind.

Friday, June 15, 2007

June 25 -29
6:30 - 8 pm

We are going have a great time studying some of the heros of the th Bible.
Tyla always puts together a well organizzed VBS event. Much learning and fun will take place that week!
More Info - Tyla Merta - Director
Church Office -588-3052

A New Path

Life is filled with opportunity.

Romans 14 is my challenge. It deals with living a life that is free from bondage of other's tradition yet never forgetting our responsibility to other's spiritual journey.
That chapter also places final authority between ourselves and God.

What a challenge!

At the church I belive we are experiencing a great summer. Help has arrived in the office(Lisa and Ricky Marx, and Molly) . We are facing VBS, Faith and Freedom and the Zone Youth Retreat. All have to be advertized(signs, letters,visits and phone calls).